Broken Promises: The Arms Embargo on Darfur since 2012 (HSBA Issue Brief 24)
Broken Promises: The Arms Embargo on Darfur since 2012 provides an update on the development and impact of the Darfur arms embargo from 2012 to early 2016. 1 It surveys the region’s conflicts; reviews the supply chain of weapons and military equipment to conflict actors in Darfur; examines changes to the UN embargo regime and investigations of the UN Panel monitoring the embargo; discusses the politics of the Security Council Sanctions Committee on Sudan; and assesses the effectiveness of the embargo and other efforts to prevent the illicit circulation and misuse of weapons in Darfur.2 It also offers a brief consideration of what the failure of the Darfur embargo suggests about the prospects of the new UN sanctions regime on South Sudan.
Also available in ARABIC.
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